How To Establish The Direction Of Your Niche

Finding a profitable niche is a fairly easy concept to understanding, however, it can also be a little tricky when putting pen to paper and having to think of your own – especially if you’re never done it before.

Hopefully, the next few exercises will help you to determine the right niche for you.

NOTE : Be sure to do all four steps, links to steps at the bottom of each page, or simply use the menu in the right sidebar.

But first …

What Is A Niche?

I guess, that’s an important question to answer or maybe clarify – right, because this forms the foundation of your website.

And depending on who you talk to, you’ll probably get a different answer, variation or description on what a niche is.

A niche to me is simply identifying a group of people in the marketplace, that we’re going to be aiming all of our content towards.

Identifying your niche does three very important things.

  1. It helps you to identify who your target audience is.
  2. It helps you to focus on the mindset of this group, which will allow you to create a writing “voice” to engage with the group.
  3. It helps you to identify affiliate products / services that will be a good match for them.

So with that in mind … let’s get started …

1) Put together a list of all of your interests.

You want to create a list of everything that you’re interested in, because it just makes life a lot easier when you work from a place of knowledge and understanding, or from a place of desired learning, as opposed to coming in to a niche with no knowledge at all.

Plus, if you’re working in a niche that you’re passionate about, or interested in, then it won’t necessarily feel like work, but more of discovery.

Having a deeper insight into the mindset of your target audience, will allow you to understand what they’re thinking about and why they’re thinking that way, which is one of the keys to high online sales conversions. Sadly, it’s often an ingredient that most novice marketers miss.

You’ll understand the wants and needs of your niche, because their wants and needs have been the same as yours. So when you’re asking the question, “hey what should I do now” you intuitively know how to answer it. Or you’ll know what to research to understand how to approach it.

And remember by already working in a niche that you’re passionate about, you would have already accumulated a lot of knowledge and a lot of solutions that your niche is struggling with.

Providing solutions to your niche increases your credibility and authority in the niche, which means that people are more likely to be influenced by any products or services you feel might help them out.

How should you go about creating a list?

Here’s an example of how to go about it:

Create 3 categories and list 10 – 20 items in each category. The more the better:

Start off broad – no need to narrow it down yet.

  • 1) Interests – what are you interested in.
    • Personal development
    • Affiliate Marketing
    • Weight lifting
    • Bodybuilding
    • Martial Arts
    • Nutrition
    • Mountain biking etc
  • 2) Stuff that’s cool, but you don’t know anything about. (But you have a high interest in learning)
    • Iphone apps
    • Automatic gate openers
    • Wireless headphones
    • Wireless speakers etc
  • 3) Frustrations – things that frustrate you.
    • Pitch forks that always bend
    • Losing tv remote
    • Joint pain

It’s important to get this list together before you move onto the next step, because they are the seed ideas for what comes next.

If you have related ideas or even thoughts pertaining to a niche, write them down too.

Now we are going to start to narrow the niche down, so when you’re ready , go to step 2 here.

Related Info

A Niche Is A Group Of People Looking For Stuff – WA Training




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Entrepreneur, Blogger, Affiliate Marketer and webmaster of Stealth Secrets. I have been earning a full-time living as an affiliate marketer since 2004. Want to do the same? Check out what I recommend.