First things first …

So at this point  I am assuming that you have create a free account with Wealthy Affiliate, if you haven’t yet, you can do that here.

Once you have created your account one of the most important things for you to do is to set up your profile within WA.

To do this is really easy as shown in the pic below.


1a) Click on the blank profile picture and (you’ll see a drop down menu).

2a) Click on My Profile in the drop down menu.

3a) Then hit Edit Your Profile Here. (the big green button) in the middle of the page.


Setting up your Wealthy Affiliate account only includes two items:

(1) Adding a profile image (can be anything you want)
(2) Adding a personal description

This may seem very simple (and it is), but there are definite reasons that you are going to want to complete the account set-up process. Here are some benefits to setting up your account:

  • Leads to better networking within the community
  • Your “followers” within the community will go up at least 5x (in some cases)
  • People are more willing to help you if you have a profile
  • Adds a level of credibility within the community
  • Shows others that you are serious about SUCCESS

Immerse yourself within Wealthy Affiliate and you are going to experience a lot more success.

(3) Look for my welcome message.

I will be communicating with you a lot inside Wealthy Affiliate on your profile page, so it is important for you to become familiar with this page.

There will be a getting started link in the welcome message on your profile wall.

If you’ve missed it, then hit the link below and watch the two videos in Task 1 and Task 2.

As described in my email, here’s the special link.

Online Entrepreneur Certification – Getting Started Level 1

Frequently Asked Questions

I tried to create an account but it says that, I already have an account – but I don’t. What do I do?

This can happen, given Wealthy Affiliate allows one account per household. They track new accounts based on IP, so if you haven’t already created an account you can turn your router off for 30 seconds so that your Internet service provider assigns a new IP address, or sign up at a coffee shop, Mac Donalds, basically anywhere that has a different IP address.

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Entrepreneur, Blogger, Affiliate Marketer and webmaster of Stealth Secrets. I have been earning a full-time living as an affiliate marketer since 2004. Want to do the same? Check out what I recommend.