Company: Aroga Worldwide formally known as OXO Worldwide
Founder/CEO: Douglas Yates
Welcome to my 3rd party review of Aroga Worldwide!
I am so glad you found my review because that means you are doing research instead of blindly joining.
Mistakes like that are made all of the time and many newbies get scammed or taken advantage of because they buy into the get rich quick mentality.
MLM are so difficult to do right.
You have to be a skilled recruiter and you have to be willing to build a massive downline before you make any substantial amount of money.
Anyone telling you different is lying to you. It just so happens that this review is going to be a little different than my normal reviews because there are serious issues with the company and anyone should be able to identify them.
Usually I provide you with product information and compensation plan breakdowns but there is so much speculation about this company, I will provide you with some articles that point out their flaws so you can see for yourself.
If you are interested in seeing Aroga products, click HERE.
Hopefully this information will help you with your decision but I will say upfront, you will get no recommendation or sales pitches from me.
That is not what I do. I simply show you all of the things that make up this company and the decision making is left up to you.
With that being said, you should take the time to read every link and image I provide you because that is where I get my information.
Most of the time, these companies are their worst enemy because they make such ridiculous claims.
I guess what I am trying to say is that you should take this review for what it is worth; a compilation of information organized to help you out.
You can also check out the step-by-step training that helps me earn over $10,000+ per month working from home.
Aroga Overview – What is the Company?
This company was known as Oxo Worldwide before being acquired by Aroga Worldwide in late 2014.
It was founded by a man named Douglas Yates and it is a Health & Wellness Company niche MLM company.
The image below has the rest of the biographical information in regards to headquarters and contact information.
This same website did not have any of the board member identities which is a little scary considering they are a pretty big company.
Aroga is also not in the Better Business Bureau (BBB) database so it should be a little more difficult to find any ratings other than customer testimonies.
The other thing worth mentioning is the lack of a stable website.
Go ahead and click on the link I posted at the top of the review and explore for a few minutes.
On half of the tabs, I get the following message.
This is unacceptable and makes them look like a scam.
I don’t understand a company worth millions of dollars can tolerate a website maintained by a bunch of 5th grades.
Also notice the products are available but not “The Company.”
How convenient for Aroga. The next section will address the actual acquisition of OXO Worldwide.
The Acquisition of OXO Worldwide
PR Newswire, July 28, 2015 – ‘Aroga acquires OXO Worldwide Inc., an international network marketing company, and secures Jean Marc Colaianni & Minh Ho as Co Master Distributors.’
This article has a ton of information but it seems more like a puff piece and lacks any sign of investigative journalism.
OK, I get it, Jean Marc Colaianni and Minh Ho have decades of experience in the MLM distribution sector and are wealthy because of it.
Yes, leadership is the most important aspect of a company but the entire team seems to be a shady MLM All-Star team that has bounced around from one MLM to another.
I’m going to make a prediction with Jean Marc and Minh Ho. When the company has any signs of trouble, the two of them will jump ship.
You heard it here first.
World Health Organization
Almost everyone knows about WHO and what they do. I decided to enter “quantum hologram technology” into their search engine so I could read some credible scientific research and to my surprise, nada.
The first thing that crossed my mind is that these magical holograms have not been discovered and gone through the rigorous scientific method, by the best doctors the world has to offer.
How is this possible? Real scientists wouldn’t waste their time with such nonsense.
Look I get it, you might be looking for a quick way to make a buck but to try and sell holograms to relieve some of the most common ailments is insane.
There is absolutely ZERO research done and the Aroga website section “How it Works” is unavailable for obvious reasons.
These types of shenanigans lead me to my next section which you need to consider before you make your decision.
Warm Market Training
Aroga claims to train people and help people with methods of recruiting others to the business and retails sales.
The problem that many people don’t realize is the simple fact that Aroga is only showing you how to focus on your friends and family.
Let me set the scene for a few second.
1. You call all of your friends and family and set up a Aroga Worldwide product party.
2. You start your sales pitch about acupressure holograms.
3. Your friends and family start asking you questions about the products.
4. Once you tell them that there is no scientific proof for medical claims…
5. All of your friends and family unfriend you in Facebook and disown you.
I’m serious.
I have done over 150 MLM reviews and I have never seen a company that is more irresponsible with their claims.
I don’t care how much money Aroga has spent on so called scientific research.
All of the research is paid for and the results only help the agenda of Aroga.
Aroga Ripoff Report Page
One of the biggest issues with Aroga is the fact that their products are based on pseudo-science and no one who cares about their reputation would ever state otherwise.
Think about this for a second, if you believe that a hologram that takes nothing from the body or puts nothing into your body is going to somehow give you energy, help you sleep and somehow make you smarter?
If you believe this then I have so beachfront property to sell you in the middle of the Sahara Desert.
I mean come on, everyone would be wearing these and would be all over the media and sold at every store in America.
This comment is long but well worth the read because it says everything that many frustrated investors are saying.
Whenever a MLM changes its named or is bought out by another company, it is to wipe the slate clean.
This allows them to shove fraudulent products for a while longer until the authorities step in…if they ever do.
Other information in the comment is fraudulent claims, lack of payment & inability to deliver products.
This last one is the definition of a pyramid scheme; to accept payment and not deliver a serviceable good or payment.
Most of the defenders of Aroga are the people that scream, “Aroga is legit, do your research.”
How the heck am I supposed to research holographic therapy research?
If I typed that into a search engine, Google would laugh at me.
The thing you can research are the thousands of complaints and issues that people have had with these scammers.
The Final Verdict
I don’t think I need to point out anything else about Aroga.
There are so many issues with the company and I didn’t even have to talk to you about the compensation plan.
It is available on their website so you can use the links provided if you really think it is necessary.
Look, it is really simple. This company is trying to sell you snake oil in the form of hologram patches.
These patches are supposed to help you sleep properly, have energy throughout the day, impotence, stay fit and become more intelligent.
To be perfectly honest, if you try these patches, you should try the intelligence first because clearly you need it.
There is absolutely no way this company survives, especially in Canada which has some of the strictest MLM laws in the world.
I would also like to take the opportunity to point out that there are so many ways to make money online.
Why would you waste your time with this stuff?
Oh and by the way, please don’t point out that you had success with this company because I will have to remind you that blind squirrels find nuts.
Why don’t you try to find a training program that works?
There are tons of them on YouTube and guess what, they are free. If you are looking for an example, check out this review.
I hope this review helped and I hope that it was more interactive than the rest.
I feel it is important for my readers to read the same articles that I do so they know where I am getting my information.
If you have any experience with Aroga, would like to ask a question or leave a comment, feel free to fill out the form below.
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