How Much Money Can You Make Blogging? You’ll Be Surprized

How much indeed…

Blogging is such a general term when it comes to how much money you can make with it, because it really depends on how you use your blog to make money.

There are two blogging approaches that I use to make money online, the fast way for short term income, and the long way for long term sustainable income. I show you how to implement both approaches here.

If you haven’t got your own WordPress blog then you can start one here.

But, I’ll describe these two approaches in more detail below, but first … lemme just say …

… a blog is just a search engine friendly publishing tool, it’s not some mystical lamp that you rub three times and out pops a wodd of cash.

It’s just a tool … nothing more, nothing less, however, if you learn how to use the tool properly in conjunction with a little bit of SEO, you can literally turn WordPress blogs into cash flowing mystical lamps.

As they say, a picture says a thousand words … here’s what some people/companies are making with their blogs.

how much money can you make blogging

Now you might be thinking that you’re no Huffington Post or Perez Hilton, but there are ordinary people in this list that started their blogs from nothing more than just passion for their niche.

John Chow for example didn’t make a single penny from his blog for over 8 months. He posted 2 to 3 articles everyday for eight months, which some might say is dedication, but John will tell you it was a labour of love.

Steve Pavlina has a similar story too. His initial intention wasn’t to make money from his personal development blog, however, after a number of years of blogging he consciously made the decision to monetize it.

But, What If Your Intention Is To Make Money From Blogging?

Well, let’s face it, not everyone is going to spend hours and hours updating a blog for months on end for the love or fun of it. Like me, some see blogging as a means to an end.

As I mentioned earlier – a blog is just a tool. That being the case, you can use this tool in difference ways to achieve a certain goal.

So here are my two approaches that I mentioned eariler.

1) Mini Niche Websites (Short Term Income)

  • Create a small 5 to 10 page blog that is based on a product name. It could be “product name review” or “product name discount” or “buy product name”. Hopefully you get the picture, the point is, just find highly targeted product buyer keywords because these keywords have a higher chance of converting into sales. Why? Because most of the visitors are at the end of their buying cycle.
  • Do some keyword research like I show you here, and find a keyword that has a low KC value, but with a high search volume.
  • Purchase an exact match domain name for your keyword which you can find using Long Tail Pro and then build some backlinks to it. Of course it’s easier to describe than to do, but that’s the overall strategy, and it works like a charm.

I have blogs that I have completely forgotten about that still make money for me using this exact strategy. Some of them started producing income within two weeks after I created them, whilst others took a little longer, due to it being a more competitive keyword phrase.

Using this approach will enable you to get into markets that you wouldn’t necessarily want to blog about everyday, (meaning you don’t have to be a guru on the subject), but where you can capitalize on first page rankings in the search engines using WordPress blogs.

The idea here is to make highly targeted niche focused blogs (the more the better) and create them in parallel with what I’m going to talk about next – authority blogs.

2) Authority Blogs (Long Term Income)

These are the kind of blogs that you see mentioned in the picture above. Whilst the niche can be narrow, their focus is on creating high quality content on a consistent basis. This is where a lot of novice bloggers begin with gusto and then after a couple of months run out of steam – which is totally understandable BTW.

That’s why all the top bloggers say that you should create a blog around a topic that you are passionate about, in other words, blog about something that you would do whether you make money from it or not. Because if your motivation to blog is financially driven, then you will run out of steam long before you start seeing the results.

But with one exception …

If you take the first approach and mash it into the second, meaning, build your authority blog around highly focused, highly searched for keywords within your niche, (pick the low hanging fruit – make sure they’re buyer keywords) then you will start ranking in Google a lot sooner than if you took a arbitrary approach to content creation.

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Entrepreneur, Blogger, Affiliate Marketer and webmaster of Stealth Secrets. I have been earning a full-time living as an affiliate marketer since 2004. Want to do the same? Check out what I recommend.

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