Team National Review – Legit MLM Or Scam?

Team National Review

Company: Team National
Founder: Dick Loehr

Welcome to my review of Team National.

I am happy that you have decided to do some research before jumping in head first with an online business opportunity.

You are in luck because I am a 3rd party reviewer with absolutely ZERO affiliation with any of the companies I research.

When a company claims to be a fantastic way to make money, I find out the truth and provide you with everything you need to know.

If 3rd party reviews were not written, then you would have to filter through all of the videos and articles written by affiliates and all they do is spit out company rhetoric.

This review contains an overview, product list, compensation plan analysis, and final verdict.

By the end of the review you will be able to make the right decision for your particular situation.

You can also check out the step-by-step training that helps me earn over $10,000+ per month working from home.

A Team National Overview

Team National was founded by Dick Loehr in 1997.

This means that the company has been around for a while.

This is good news in terms of not having to worry if the company is going to stay in business.

In my experience, I have seen a lot of these kinds of businesses (MLMs) get shutdown, which is really say for the folks who put in a lot of time and effort developing their business, to only have it  shutdown through no fault of their own.

According to the information on the website, the company is debt free and has several top associations and key players in the MLM industry, which is great news.

They have reached the billion dollar plateau as of last year and this is all good news from a money making point of view.

I mean, that is what this review is all about, which is why you’re reading this article.

Products & Services

The only thing that Team National really does is save you money on memberships.

Here is a list of all the memberships that are provided by Team National.

Team National Factory Direct: 65% discount on all sorts of items including home furnishings and jewelry.

Group Buying Power: (Savings)


Team National Business Exchange (Savings with thousands of local businesses across the country.

E-Commerce – 30% commission from 100 retailers

Let’s put things into perspective for a second here.

According to the Income Earnings Disclosure for 2015, nearly 83% of all members or affiliates made between $0-$225.

This means that 83% of members make about $18.75 per month.

This is literally the most disturbing figure I have ever seen in regards to the amount members make.

Do you really think it is worth it?

It sounds like people are simply buying the package to enjoy the discounts and that is it.

This means that the only way to earn money is through recruiting and that is just an accident waiting to happen.

Especially when all you have for a product is forking over money for discounts.

What I’m trying to say is that I have no idea what Team National is truly focusing on.

Anyway, I thought I would just show you what the vast majority of members make in a month.

There is a link above that you can follow if you want to see more disturbing facts provided by Team National.

Don’t get me wrong, I am so glad they disclosed this information because most MLMs do not provide people with it.

So at least Team National has that going for them.

Team National Scam Review

Better Business Bureau (BBB)

The BBB provides us with information about a company’s credibility and the following is a summary of both customer complaints and reviews.

Customer Complaints Summary
Advertising/Sales Issues – 10
Billing/Collection Issues – 2
Problems w/ Product/Service – 24

Customer Reviews Summary
Positive Summaries – 38
Negative Summaries – 1

As you can see, the most complaints came from people with products and services.

This is a big problem and I’m wondering how many complaints were never reported or were handled without involving BBB at all.

This is a great opportunity to see a negative and positive complaint to see what we are dealing with, here.
Team National Complaints

Team National Scam Complaints

BBB also states clearly that they do not endorse the products that any business is selling.

So the grade of A+ is purely a grade of how they handle complaints.

So it looks like the company handles their complaints but all of the 39 positive seem like they are all written by affiliates.

Of course they are going to say “Team National, changed my life.”

Compensation Plan

Ok this is a rather straight forward binary compensation plan that works a little something like this.

You have a right side and a left side.

Every time you reach a personal 10 points on both sides, you get a check for $1500.

Whenever one of your Team National teams reach this level, you get what is called “hosting bonus” checks for $1000.

I could not find an up to date PDF of the compensation plan and only found videos which I will not waste your time with because they are nothing but a biased advertisement and to be perfectly honest, annoying.

You can also earn by the following means:
• Commission Qualifications
• Progression Bonus
• Presidential Director Bonus
• Business Centers/Ratcheting
• Product Program
• Big N Marketplace

Ok so there are several ways to earn money and they all look decent although recruiting seems to be the only real way to make significant income.

I rarely recommend a company that relies on recruiting in order to make money for a few reasons.

1. If the majority of revenue that a company makes is via recruitment, then the focus is diverted away from the real star; the product.

2. 95% of all MLMers do not have the necessary skill set to sell in a door-to-door manner.
Just take a look at the Income Disclosure from 2015 for proof.
I mean seriously, 83% of members made less than $225.

If more MLM businesses helped folks develop their business, (i.e.) helping them to get highly targeted, qualified leads who are searching for a business then I’m sure there would be a lot more people making more money.

That’s why I recommend folks start this business. They are one of the only online businesses who teach you how to get people coming to you instead of you seeking them out. You can check out my review here.

Things I Don’t Like About Team National

1. The cost of the program is a bit to much for my liking. Granted they are a two year membership, you either shell out $795 for 2 years or get the lifetime membership for $2195. This is not necessarily expensive over a two year span but it is a lot of money upfront. This will turn a lot of people off including your potential recruits.

2. Remember what I said about the compensation points and the binary team building format? You need 10 points to get your checks; and so do your recruits. So this means that you need either 10 people to purchase the two year membership or you need to sell 3 lifetime memberships and a two year membership to get a check. Seems simple right? Not to the vast majority of members!!!

3. Team National only has a 3 day refund policy on the membership fees. I guess my only question here is, Why have a refund policy at all?

4. There is also a problem with the lack of information on their website. I couldn’t find anything to do with the compensation plan and then realized that a lot of these companies only share the breakdown if you create an account on the site or become a member. Who wants to join the company without knowing how you get paid?

Look I know that it seems like I’m trashing the company because I have a list of things I don’t like about it but this is the information you have to understand before making your decision.

I have seen many reviews and customer comments where they save thousands of dollars.

I have also see others that save nothing at all and the entire premise of the savings is not existent.

To be perfectly honest, it seems like the company is a bit hit or miss for members.

I’m still “on the fence” with this business, only because I know that there are much better options available to make money online. One option allows you to join free, and experience the program before you decide to pay for the membership which is much less than joining Team National. You can check out my review here.

The Final Verdict

It is clear that the business is not a scam in any way.

First of all, the company has been around for nearly 2 decades and if there was anything illegal going on, it would have been dealt with already.

However there are some parts of the business model that make it difficult for newbies to get started.

Recruitment based online business opportunities are a newbie “killer” and that is exactly what Team national is.

Other than that, if you are great at recruiting, go ahead, try it out and see if you can make the discounts work for you.

If you do not have any experience with recruiting, then I would suggest finding something else.

That is my advice for you.

If you want to check out a training program that can help you fill any gaps in your training, check out this review.

There is no recruiting involved and you can try it out for FREE, so there is no risk involved.

I hope this review helped you on your journey in finding an online business opportunity.

If you have any experience with Team National, would like to ask a question, or leave a comment, feel free to fill out the form below.

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5 thoughts on “Team National Review – Legit MLM Or Scam?”

  1. This is a scam nothing but a bunch of lies they feed you to take your money An don’t care I would never recommend this scam company just another pyramid scam don’t believe anything they say

  2. Ive seen people get very motivated and then let down by the big cost and timeconsuming efforts before realising , They were making the top of the pyramide richer and always spend their last dollars, without any profit. They sell books and séminars at big expences. Motivated people make the best con artists. The more people you con the better the profits.

  3. If you expect to get rich sitting on your butt guess again. As with any business it takes work. Not everyone is cut out to share this opportunity. I know in 6 months just from the savings my lifetime membership is paid for. So I am back to even with the rest of my life to go. Some people want guaranteed income. Well that usually comes with a 9 to 5 job. Exactly why people get into Team National. Who wants a job!! My best friend got laid off last week after 33yrs. No notice. Now what??

    Team national for us is retirement and a residual income. Plus the lifestyle and tremendous contacts you make which just opens many more doors. We love Team National!!

  4. It’s all crap. You spend $2200,00 dollars which most people can’t afford and will most likely never get any of it back. The worst part is they make you target your friends and family and if you manage to talk them into it, then you have to live with the knowledge that YOU screwed them out of their money. Speaking from experience, Don’t Do It.

  5. I was involved for three years and bought into their “people helping people” BS. I made checks. The fact is that if you work hard (and I did), they will work only on their other leg out of greed so your upline can get checks while you do all the work…I decided to start selling another product totally unrelated (a health product that is phenomenal and does what it promises). I intended to continue using my membership to save pennies here or there (these discounts can all be found for free on the internet if you look very hard) and the second the fat cats worried that they were losing my “points” that I was producing, they had the lovely Christian folks at the home office start sending me certified letters threatening to SUE me. Said that I had signed on with them and had a 3 year non compete. I signed no such statement. As an additional insult, they started sending those same threatening letters (and eventually emails) to my daughter in college! WHO DOES THAT? Please stay far away from these people…


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