For a lot of people, their main source of income is not enough to cover all their monthly expenses. This even includes basic necessities like food, water, shelter and debt payments.
This is why a lot of people look for a second job or another source of income that can help supplement their main income to cover all of these expenses.
Fortunately, there are a lot of different opportunities available online that offers people ways to make some money on the side.
You just need to find the right opportunity that will fit both your schedule and your needs. Now, it’s important to remember that not all opportunities you see are legitimate.
There are also a lot of scams out there or legit ones that are not worth your time and effort. To help you avoid these scams and waste of time, we review these money-making opportunities. We recommend the ones that are worth your time and effort.
For this review, we’ll look at a site called Amber Lotus. It is a publishing company that offers an opportunity for people to make some money on the side.
From time to time, the company opens its doors to writers, artists, or photographers, who have some works that they are looking to sell. The company will pay for them if they like it.
But, does Amber Lotus offer a legit opportunity or is it just a scam that you should avoid?
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Amber Lotus is A Legit Company that Offers an Opportunity To Make Money
Amber Lotus Publishing is a publishing company that sells books, greeting cards, journals, coloring book, and calendars.
Now the unique thing about this company is that they also provide artists, photographers, and writers opportunities to make some money.
They open their doors to people who have works that they are selling and that the company could use as part of their product lineup. They’ll pay you if they like your work and want to buy it.
The amount of money earned is dependent on the kind of work submitted. Based on what I’ve seen, I can say that Amber Lotus is a legit company that offers an opportunity to make money.
You can really make money from this company, provided that they like the work you submit. Of course, there are still some issues with this opportunity.
Chief among the issues is that there’s really no guarantee you’ll make any money with this opportunity. Another issue is that the company is not consistently looking for submissions year-round.
I’ll discuss these issues in more detail as we progress further in this review of Amber Lotus Publishing.
Who Uses Amber Lotus?
Amber Lotus is designed mostly for people who are looking to buy greeting cards, journals, calendars, books, and much more. The company has a wide range of products on offer.
You just need to select the one that you like, put it in the checkout basket, pay for it, then they’ll deliver it. You just need to have an account to buy from their online store.
But aside from people looking to purchase books, greeting cards, and journals, Amber Lotus also offers an opportunity for you to make money.
The company is always looking for new design inspirations for their products. That’s why they are open to submissions from photographers and artists.
Amber Lotus also has an opportunity for writers, for the quotes and sayings in their greeting cards.
In the next section, I’ll discuss in more detail how this works and what the company is likely looking for in a submission.
How Does Amber Lotus Work?
Amber Lotus is a publishing company that offers people an opportunity to make some money. They sell greeting cards, calendars, books, and journals and they’re always looking for inspiration for the designs on their products.
They’re open to accepting submissions for new designs and materials for their products and they will pay for it if they like it.
Now, the opportunity that the company offers is for writers, artists, and photographers. For writers, you can earn submitting manuscripts, as well as content for their greeting cards.
Currently, the company is not accepting manuscript submissions, but they’re still accepting submissions for greeting cards.
In creating the verse for the greeting card, Amber Lotus want something light and catchy since the company doesn’t publish greeting cards that are too serious.
To make a submission, you need to send an email to the company. You can attach 3 to 5 proposal greetings on your email and images are not necessary.
If they like the greeting card verse, they’ll send a proposal on how much they’ll pay you. You can either accept it or reject it. If accepted, the company will send a contract for you to sign.
Aside from writing verse, you can also submit artwork which will be used for greeting cards, journals, calendars, etc.
The images that the company wants should be thematically based. The company wants their images to relate to each other as one body of work.
You also need to make sure the image you are submitting is thematically compatible with their other products. To submit a work, you just send the company an email.
The company prefers that you submit your work every April through July, when their need for new images is the greatest. If you send submissions outside these dates, the company will take longer to respond.
They’ll reply back with a proposal on how much they’ll pay if they like the work you send. If you accept it, the company will work with you and send a contract.
The last opportunity is for photographers who have an image that they feel is compatible with the company’s product line.
Just check the products on their website for the kind of images they use, they cover a broad spectrum.
The major requirement is that the photos should be professional and focused. Similar to artworks, photos should be submitted around April to July.
You can send an email with a link to your website or you can attach three images to the email for Amber Lotus to look at. The images should not be larger than 200KB each.
They’ll reply with a payment proposal and if you like it they’ll send a contract so you can start working with them.
What Are the Issues with Amber Lotus?
Looking at the reviews about Amber Lotus, you’ll see there’s really not many complaints or issues with this opportunity.
It has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and there have yet to be any complaints about it. Of course, this doesn’t mean that I didn’t find any possible issues that you might have with this opportunity.
Firstly, you can’t guarantee that you will make money with them. Just because you put in the time and effort in creating artwork or taking a good photo it doesn’t mean that the company will buy it.
There are certain criteria that your submission will need to meet for Amber Lotus to consider purchasing your work.
You also need to consider that you are not the only one who’s submitting work, so you’re basically competing with other submissions as well.
So, don’t expect to consistently make money with this opportunity. Sure, you might get lucky and have several successful submissions, but doing this consistently may be a challenge.
Another issue with Amber Lotus is that they’re not always looking for new submissions. The company mostly requires submissions between April and July. So if you submit within this time, you can expect a swift response.
But if you submit outside this period, the company will likely take a while before they respond.
What I Like about Amber Lotus
Now that we know what Amber Lotus is and what it is offering, it is time to discuss what I like about this opportunity.
- They offer an opportunity to make some money. Not a lot of publishing companies offer the kind of opportunity that this company does. If you are a writer, artist, or photographer who’s looking for ways to earn extra money, then this opportunity is for you. Just submit your work and if they like to use it for their products, they’ll pay you.
- I also like that you don’t need to sign up for anything to make a submission. You just need to send an email with your samples attached and Amber Lotus will contact you.
What I Dislike about Amber Lotus
- The only thing that I don’t like about Amber Lotus is that the making money opportunity here is not guaranteed. There’s no guarantee that they will like the sample work you submit. This means that you can’t expect to make money with them consistently since this will always depend on whether they like your work or not.
Do I Recommend Amber Lotus?
After learning more about Amber Lotus and what it can really offer, I would say that this is an opportunity that is worth checking out.
There’s no risk on your part to submit a sample of your work to them and see if they are willing to buy it.
You might even already have some work lying around that fits the criteria the company is looking for, so you could submit that .
Of course, if your goal is to make consistent money, then this opportunity may not be for you. There’s no guarantee that Amber Lotus will buy the artwork, greeting card verse, or photo etc, that you submit.
It will really come down to how good your work is and if Amber Lotus sees value in it.
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