If you have never heard about Jeff Buchanan’s Instant Payday Network, then good, just keep moving, ain’t nothing to see here …
Just kidding …
So first off, I have to say that I’m not affiliated with Jeff in anyway, so you’re not gonna see an affiliate link on this page, pimping out IPN.
To be honest it’s not really my cup-of-tea, but it might be yours of course, so each to their own.
And just to be clear, (cause some people think I am endorsing IPN), I am NOT endorsing this product at all, in fact I am doing the exact opposite.
My recommendation is to steer clear of it.
So I just wanted to put that out there, to clear up any confusion.
I can see how you can make money with this system and it’s not a new concept, it’s actually a very similar business model to Project Payday, which I’m definitely not a fan of.
So what I want to do in this review is breakdown Jeff’s entire business strategy, so that you can make an informed decision as to whether it’s what you might get involved in or not.
So with that being said, the first thing you might want to know is …
How do you make money with Instant Payday Network?
There’s 3 ways.
Step 1) Completing 1 CPA offer for express.mycashfreebies.com
Step 2) Completing 2 CPA offers for double.mycashfreebies.com
Step 3) Referrals from others who sign up to IPN and do the same.
Step 4) I left this step out. Tell you why at the end of the review.
So for every offer you complete, you make money, whatever the amount is. Usually in the range of 20 – 40 bucks.
In order for you to participate in step 3 you have to have completed steps 1 or 2 or both.
So yup, completing a CPA offer is mandatory if you want to make money with this system.
What are CPA’s offers – I hear you say?
As I mention in one of my other reviews, a CPA offer or (Cost Per Action) is a way for companies to generate leads. They pay companies like mycashfreebies a flat fee usually for every sign up.
So although this might sound a little dodgy, these companies have big budgets and they know that they will make their money back in some shape or form, from the lifetime custom of the lead.
Which means you might not be paying for anything up front, but you might some where down the line.
Just basic economics really.
So something to keep in mind.
Biggest thing to be mindful of is giving out your credit card and personal details to multiple companies.
If they ask for it, just check the fine print.
Not saying that they’ll rip you off or anything, but I have heard of stories of people getting money taken out of their accounts simply because the didn’t read the fine print of the offer.
And sure you can cancel your credit cards, but what a hassle man – who needs it.
In some cases you’ll have had to cancel credit cards, to stop recurring payments.
Just sayin …
So does this mean that Jeff’s Instant Payday Network is a scam?
Nah not really…
What Jeff is doing is called Incentivized CPA offers, which basically means he’s giving people an incentive to fill out a CPA offer. The incentive being that you’ll make money by completing the form – hint hint.
Which is a pretty crap lead for the company (let’s be honest) if the intention was never to spend any money with them.
But as I mentioned before, they will make it back in some way.
Step 3 – promoting IPN
So after you complete step 1 & 2, the remaining focus is on pushing step 3, which is basically pimping out IPN, which for 95% of people who join, means that they’re “stuffed“.
Cause if you knew how to pimp out other peoples products, then you’d probably find better ways of making money online like me.
What countries are accepted
There are 3 countries that are accepted into IPN, which are USA, UK and Canada.
Step 4 – Empower Network
So I purposely didn’t mention step 4 until now, because the IPN’s main focus so far has been on step 1 through 3, however it then feeds it’s members into Empower Network.
Now granted, you don’t have to join EN if you don’t want to, but if you’re new to internet marketing then for heavens sake don’t join Empower Network until you’ve read my review here.
Anyway, whatever you do, good luck with it.
PS: Want to know how I make money online? Check out my #1 recommended training program
Or watch me create a money making website in only 8 days – just copy me.
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hi, just call me anonymous i am 17 yrs. of age and i work to instant payday network, i;m always hoping that it is not scam because it is my only option to work in online job huhuhu…
Is it the real way to earn money? i don’t believe it.because,eventhough i had been playing for over one month, i don’t see anything.how do we believe it?
IPN is not a good way to make money. Whilst I can see how they do it, it is not the best way to make a long term sustainable income. This is what I recommend.
You are soooo right on with your “scam reports”. Why didn’t I find you long before so many of them got into my purse?
Terrific website. If I were not already a member of Wealthy Affiliate – I would be knocking at your door right now!
Good work.