Keyword Research Checklist Tips : Peep My Top 5 Search Engine Keyword Research Secrets

Wanna know what my keyword research secrets are? Then peep my top 5 keyword research checklist

The biggest problem that people have when getting started in affiliate marketing is identifying keywords that they can actually rank for in the serps.

And this to a large degree is where your main focus on keyword research should initially be, and finding out how to do this is easy, and I’ll explain how I do that soon.

But, I guess the next thing that people have a problem with is figuring out how to use that keyword in their content, or whether they should use that keyword at all to drive traffic back to their website.

So in this article I am going to address both those issues. But I am also going to unveil my top keyword research secrets that will help you to see keywords in a different light.

Trust me, what I’m about to tell you is going to make your online marketing endeavors 10 times easier.

In fact before I understood how to look at keywords in this way, my approach to keyword research was totally wrong.

Having said that, it’s probably the same approach that 95% of those who don’t make money online do everyday.

So here’s what my secret keyword checklist looks like at a glance.

My keyword research checklist

1) Are people searching for the term?
2) How difficult is it for me to rank in the serps?
3) Is the keyword phrase conducive to making me money.
4) Is it a pillar keyword?
5) Is it a feeder keyword?
6) Is it a product keyword?

I know I said my top 5 keyword research secrets, but I added in one more for good luck.

So this is how I use the checklist above. For every keyword phrase that you are evaluating you need to put it through the checklist.

Here’s how the checklist works

1) Are people searching for the term?
In order for you to drive traffic back to your website, someone has to be searching for that term in Google.

I mean this is a no brainer – right?

If no one’s plugging that phrase into the Google that means no one is interested in knowing anything about it.

2) How difficult is it for me to rank in the serps?
If it’s too difficult to rank in the search engines for that keyword phrase then it’s not worth trying to rank for it unless it’s “Pillar Content” which I discuss further in this article.

For example: If you were trying to rank for “weight loss” then you’d be competing against around 141,000,000 results in the search engine. Which means that in order to be on the first page of Google you’re gonna have to out rank 140,999,990 other pages.

Now call me crazy, but I think your time would be better spent on keywords that have lower competition.

The question I get all the time is how do I determine whether a keyword is going to be easy for me to rank on the first page of Google or not, to which I reply with these three words “Long Tail Pro”.

Long Tail Pro is a software program that will not only fetch 100?s of keywords phrases for you, but once it has all you have to do is press a single button and it will evaluate how difficult it would be to rank for that keyword. It is an effective long tail keyword generator tool that you can benefit from.

3) Is the keyword phrase conducive to making me money.

If the keyword phrase is a buyer keyword then you deal with it differently to say a pillar keyword or feeder keyword, which I’ll explain soon.

For buyer keywords the visitor is usually in a certain buying mode. Which means that they have done all of their research about the product or service and have even done some comparisons against similar products in the marketplace.

So now they’re at a stage where their credit card is by their side and they are ready to use it. Should you go after these types of keywords? Abso-friggin-lutely, these keywords are going to be your best converters.

However, sometimes it is possible to turn a non buying keyword into cash as well, but usually it’s harder to convince someone to take the next step.

4) Is it a pillar keyword?

Pillar keywords are keywords that are usually more difficult to rank in the search engines because of the number of competing pages they’re up against.

But it doesn’t matter, because we know that over time as our site grows with content and authority that Google will eventually rank this content on the first page and we will get a truck load of visitors.

Pillar content are the foundations of your website where you typically write a long ass high quality article answering all the objections people might have for a given product or service.

It is typically used in the sales process and turns the non buyer into a buyer. Which means that if they’re remotely interested in what you have to sell then your pillar content is supposed to seal the deal.

5) Is it a feeder keyword?
Feeder keywords are keywords that can be ranked fairly easily in the search engines with little to no backlinking at all.

However, it might not be as targeted to the product that you’re selling. The feeder keywords are design to no only provide link juice to the pillar content to help get it ranked in the serps, but also act as a pathway to the pillar content for search engine visitors.

Hence the name feeder keywords.

6) Is it a product keyword?
These keywords can be thought of as extremely highly targeted keywords buyer keywords. These are typical great for making sales, because the visitor is typically at the end of the buying cycle and ready to make a purchase, so it doesn’t take much convincing to get them over the line.

You will see a lot of affiliate marketers on the front page of Google with keyword combinations like :

product name review
product name scam
product name complaints
product name bonus
product name discount

And there you have it my keyword research checklist and my top 5 keyword research secrets.

Now go make some money.

Use this checklist for good NOT evil 🙂

Want to learn how to earn a full-time living online? Then check this out.

Got any questions? Leave a comment below.

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Entrepreneur, Blogger, Affiliate Marketer and webmaster of Stealth Secrets. I have been earning a full-time living as an affiliate marketer since 2004. Want to do the same? Check out what I recommend.

3 thoughts on “Keyword Research Checklist Tips : Peep My Top 5 Search Engine Keyword Research Secrets”

  1. Hi Frank,

    Thanks for sharing your personal keyword research secrets, the information your provide here is highly beneficial for anyone who want build a profitable business online.

    I have 2 questions regarding this post:

    1: When you start your KW research, what are those numbers (roughly) you look for to consider it fairly easy to reach page1 or even rank1? Like 50 visitors/monthly and 100 competing pages.

    2. Currently I use Jaaxy for my research and never tried Long Tail Pro, can you tell me the main difference and which one do you prefer? Does it have an extra feature that makes it more efficient than Jaaxy?

    Thanks in advance!

    • Hi Peter,

      Answer to question 1:
      The main thing I look for when evaluating any keyword phrase is whether I can rank for them (which LTP is really good at showing via the KC feature), the next thing is – what type of keyword it is (i.e.) A “research” type keyword, a “review” type keyword or a “buying” keyword. Which, so of makes search volume irrelevant.

      Let me expand on that a little.

      If I can rank for a “buying” keyword, and if that keyword has 10 to 20 searches per month, then it would be worth pursuing if I can rank for it, because I might be able to make 1 sale a month.

      Conversely, if I have a “research” type keyword that yields 1000 searches per month, but no one is going to buy anything then it might not be worth pursuing.

      Therefore, it first comes down to rank-ability, then what type of keyword it is.

      Answer to question 2:
      Both Long Tail Pro and Jaaxy do a great job with keyword research.
      Admittedly, my go to keyword tool of choice is Long Tail Pro, but Jaaxy has a feature that is similar to LTP called SEO Power. By all accounts this seems to mimic the KC feature in LTP.

      There are pros and cons with both keyword tools, however the biggest difference for me, is that LTP can show search volume for specific countries, which can be helpful if you want to rank for a specific keyword in a given country. I know a lot of SEO’s who target language specific CPA offers, because it’s easier to rank in that country.

      The other difference is that I can import keyword phrases (from another source) if I choose too, to determine if I can rank for them.

      In terms of efficiency and ease of use – I’d go with Jaaxy, because all of the processing is done on the server. LTP scrapes it’s keywords from the Google Keyword Planner which can be problematic at times.


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