Another Perspective On Buyer Keywords & How To Evaluate Them

So I got an email from a member of Wealthy Affiliate the other day relating to buyer keywords.

In his email he basically asked whether there was a way to identify buyer keywords easily.

So in this post I just wanted to address the way that I evaluate buyer keywords.

This method in my opinion will guarantee that you pick the best buyer keywords possible.

But first … let’s back up a bit.

What is a buyer keyword again?

I discuss this in detail here.

But to recap … in layman terms a buyer keyword is basically a keyword phrase where a person is ready to make a buying decision.

Whilst there’s a pelthora of keywords available to create content around, buyer keywords are primarily keyword phrases that a person types into a search engine with the intent on making a purchasing decision.

All they need is a little reassurance to help them cross over the line.

So, these kind of keyword phrases are what most online marketer are searching for to grow their readership and their income.

I’m not suggesting that buyer keywords are all you should concentrate on, but in terms of converting content into sales, then just know that there are keyword phrases that by their very nature, attracts visitors that are more ready to part with their cash.

It’s all about where these searchers fit in the customer purchasing lifecycle.

Get them at the very beginning of their research and you probably won’t convert them, but get them towards the end of the lifecycle and you’ll be amazed how easy it is.

You can also get more info on the customer purchasing lifecycle to really understand it.

Step into the mindset of the searcher – what are they looking for.

So the hard part is not necessarily understanding what a buyer keyword is, but more how to assess whether you have picked a buyer keyword.

And I guess that’s what I want to give you in this article – a way of determining this for yourself.

Sort of like give a man a fish and it will feed him for a day, as opposed to teach a man to fish and it will feed him for a life time.


Okay, so lets say that you think that you’ve found a buyer keyword.

How do you know for sure, before you spend time creating the content?

Well, the best way to do it is to step inside the mindset of the searcher. Find out what their intentions are, based on the keyword phrase they just typed in.

Try and figure out where they are in the customer purchasing life cycle.

  • Are they just searching for more information to help them evaluate a product or service?
  • Are they looking to form an opinion from a review, maybe from someone who has experiences the product or service already?
  • Are they performing a comparision of a product or service?
  • Do they even know what the product does?

Understanding their intentions give you insight.

If only there was software product that told me what people were thinking

That’ll be cool – yes?

Well, you’re in luck – there is such a product – and it’s free too, I’ll tell ya about it soon.

So in most instances the keyword (especially if you know your niche) is pretty self explanatory, and most folks will be able to assess the value of the keyword based on the phrase itself.

However, this is not always the case,I mean sometimes it’s difficult to understand intention based on a two word phrase, which is why I always advocate going for 3 or more word phrases. The more specific the better.

Okay, so the software program that I alluded to, is non other than Google.

Some of you are gonna think that I just “punked” you, but it never ceases to amaze me at how much information is available for free, and people never realize what value is right in front of them.

So let me explain.

Google is probably the most powerful search engine on the planet (well, so far) and what’s their primary objective?

Yep that’s right, delivering the best results to a searcher based on the keyword phrase they just typed in.

They’re getting so good at doing this that they even offer suggestions as you type your phrase in.

Therefore the best way to understand the true intent or the mindset of the searcher is to plug your keyword into Google and look at what results have been returned.

It’s highly likely that the results that Google returns are going to be the best match possible for the phrase.

So then it’s a case of reading the content of the results that have been returned and this will give you the insight you need.

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Entrepreneur, Blogger, Affiliate Marketer and webmaster of Stealth Secrets. I have been earning a full-time living as an affiliate marketer since 2004. Want to do the same? Check out what I recommend.

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