Company: FG Xpress
You most likely heard about FG Xpress through a close friend or family member and thought that it could be a good way to make money.
You could have also seen an advertisement on social media.
Either way, you want to know if this company is a legitimate business opportunity or just a waste of time.
Here are a few things that you need to keep in mind while reading my review.
I am not affiliated with any of the companies I write about. I have no hidden agendas nor do I want to force you into a decision one way or the other.
I simply point out the facts and provide as much pertinent information to you as possible and allow you to make an educated decision.
Let’s face it; that is the whole reason you are here. You want to know if FG Xpress can be trusted and whether or not you can make money.
What a lot of people forget about is that if the product or service doesn’t sell, you can’t make money.
The following review will start with an overview of the company and then move to the product and compensation plan.
These sections will be followed by the pros/cons of the company and then finish with a verdict.
The information I provide you could be the difference between choosing FG Xpress or walking away.
You can also check out the step-by-step training that helps me earn over $10,000+ per month working from home.
An FG Xpress Overview
FG Xpress is a division of the parent company ForeverGreen, which was launched in 2003.
The daughter company, FG Xpress, was launched by Ron Williams in 2014.
Williams is not a newcomer to the MLM world and he has been around the block for quite a while now.
He has built several multi-million dollar businesses in the past, including FG Xpress.
The company has a relatively clean legal record and has spread to over 100 companies over the first few years of its inception.
This is great news when it comes to an MLM because global markets mean more potential for earning money.
On a side note, Williams is also a music writer, a film producer and has been authored.
Although these facts mean nothing in regards to your wallet, it is nice to get to know the owner or founder of a company.
Not all MLMs disclose who the founder is so at least FG Xpress is willing to provide you with this information.
Products & Services
There is absolutely no reason to join an MLM unless you know the product can sell.
FG Xpress has 3 different types of strips but the PowerStrips claim to be the first of their kind.
I will reserve any kind of judgment until later in the review but please remember that I will prove to you that there is nothing new or unique about their product.
Here is a list of all of the products and what they are supposed to be used for:
POWERstrips – Provides Temporary Relief
• Achy joints
• Muscle strain
• Sprains
• Sore muscles
• Aches and soreness from arthritis
• Simple back and body aches
SOLARstrips – Benefits Due To Phytoplankton
• Supports cardiovascular health
• Supports liver health
• Improves look and feel of skin
• Supports healthy joints
• Promotes better sleep quality
• Helps maintain blood sugar levels within the normal range
• Supports healthy immune function
• Improves mood
• Increases energy
BEAUTYstrips – Make Yourself Beautiful By…
• Promote smoother-looking skin
• Reduce the appearance of wrinkles, dark spots and sagging
• Remove impurities
• Promote a firmer, more youthful appearance
• Diminish the appearance of pores
• Brighten and moisturize
This particular line of products seems a little weak in my opinion.
Don’t get me wrong, the products are popular but there are only 3.
This is not a large selection and there are a lot of competitors out there.
This is something that you must consider when you make your choice.
Let’s see if the compensation plan is any better, because at this point I’m not convinced yet.
Compensation Plan
Here is a quick list to help you get started with the FG Xpress Compensation Plan:
1. Global Seamless Plan
2. 87% FastStart Payout
3. 62% Regular Payout
4. Low Monthly QV Requirements
5. Weekly Pay Plan
6. Six Ways to Earn
If you have any further questions about the compensation plan you can take a look for yourself by following the FG Xpress Compensation Plan link, here.
Keep in mind that it is 15 pages long and there is tons of information in it.
So you should plan on spending about 30 minutes to read it before making your decision.
If the information on the link doesn’t provide the answer you are look for, feel free to ask any questions in the comment section.
We will do our best to answer any questions you have.
Like most MLMs, you are forced to play the recruitment game in order to fully take advantage of the compensation plan.
If you have the right skillset, this MLM may be for you but let’s not rush into anything before finding out what the 6 ways of getting paid are.
6 Ways of Getting Paid With FG Xpress
1. Retail Bonus as a customer
2. Retail Bonus as an affiliate
3. X-Tribe Bonus
4. 12% Team Bonus
5. Matching Bonus
6. Rank Advancement Cash Bonus
As you can see, there are plenty of ways to earn money and the compensation plan is solid all around.
You get great returns on selling product and recruiting via commissions.
There is a downside to this though. Recruiting is annoying if you don’t know what you are doing.
In fact, more than 90% of all MLMers fail because they lack this skill and have no idea how to generate leads on a daily basis.
This is scary because you are simply trying to make money and you have to rely on this hit or miss recruitment system.
Things I Liked About FG Xpress
Overall, FG Xpress is a decent company.
It is available all over the world and it has a pretty good compensation plan if you know what you are doing.
Like most MLMs, you need to have a particular set of skills in order to take advantage of such a strong compensation plan.
This means you absolutely have to generate leads. For those of you that don’t know what I mean by a lead, you need to learn ASAP or you will have little luck in the MLM world.
There are plenty of training options out there that provide you with a myriad of price points and range in quality.
At the end of my review I will provide you with a great company that can help you start your own business and believe it or not, you can start FREE.
Things I Didn’t Like About FG Xpress
This is my opportunity to tell you all of the things that I wish I could change about MLMs.
In this particular case I am not really convinced that the products of FG Xpress are anything other than ordinary.
You see, companies like this claim that their products are some special remedy or a new breakthrough in science or medicine.
I want to be very clear by saying that any and all claims that these companies make are 100% conjecture.
That is right; there is very little difference between FG Xpress products and the products of their competitors.
The only difference I can notice is the label on the front of the package.
Here is a little food for thought to help you make sense of my previous comments.
Go ahead and take a look at this FDA Registration link.
Notice the “Classification Name,” which says, “ADHESIVE BACKED THERMAL SKIN PATCHES.”
What this means is that it is classified as a heating pad that you can throw away when you are finished with it.
This is the same item as the ones you can by for under a dollar on sites like Amazon or at your local sports store.
This is proof that there is nothing unique about their product.
Next, take a look at how heat pads work by reading this short article by UCSB ScienceLine.
These products have been around for a while and there is no new formula that gives it any special benefits.
So here is the proof you need to show you that the claims by FG Xpress are disingenuous at best.
Look, I have nothing personal against this company, but I want you to know exactly what you are getting into and you deserve to know the truth about every aspect.
Final Verdict
Even though I had some harsh comments about FG Xpress, there is no question that the company is 100% legit.
It has a product line and the compensation plan is great if you have sales, marketing and recruiting skills to take full advantage of it.
I have a few questions that still need answering.
• Are there any independent medical experiments conducted to show the benefits of the products?
• Is there any medical proof from independent physicians that prove the products work?
• Is there quantifiable proof that the products work?
• If your claims are true, why don’t any doctors prescribe them?
The reason I ask these questions is because I doubt the fact that an MLM would be providing state of the art medical breakthroughs instead of doctors.
Remember when I told you about a great training program that is affordable. Check out this review.
You will not be disappointed and it will help you find what you are looking for.
If you have any questions or you would like to add to the conversation, leave a comment by filling out the form below.
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