Four Corners Alliance Group Review: Legit Or Scam?


Company: Four Corners Alliance Group
Website: www.fourcornersalliancegroup

Welcome to my review of Four Corners Alliance Group(FCAG).

There are many reasons why you could have found your way to this review but all of them point to one objective.

You want to know if you can make money with this MLM.

Before I answer this question, there are a few things I want to clarify.

I am in no way affiliated with the group and create objective reviews that are based on facts.

I will never specifically tell you to join or do NOT join.

Most of my recommendations are usually something along the lines of “you can make money if…” or “there are better options out there because…”

You see most MLMs are perfectly legitimate and have a long and credible standing.

As you can expect, others do not. This is where I come in.

I take all of the strengths and weaknesses of a company and make sure you understand what you are getting yourself into.

Part of the reason I do this is because some companies are not forthright with information and try to keep certain aspects of their company hidden.

This is not necessarily illegal but it can create confusion. I am here to shed some light on the confusion and make sense of it for you.

The decision still remains with you but I am here to help.

There will be a brief overview of the company followed by product & services, compensation plan and the pros/cons of FCAG.

The last section will by my final verdict and a recommendation in regards to other options that might work out better for you.

Remember, options are always good and you should never turn away free advice.

You can also check out the step-by-step training that helps me earn over $10,000+ per month working from home.

A Four Corners Alliance Group Overview

In the first moments of my research of FCAG was a bit frustrating because I wasn’t able to find much information at all.

In fact, there was little biographical information and all I came up with was an address and telephone number.

Cornerstone Alliance Group LLC
5550 Painted Mirage Rd
Suite 320
Las Vegas, NV 89149 U.S.A
Phone number: 775 376 7637

This is actually pretty common when it comes to MLM companies.

It is one of my pet peeves because I’m not trying to uncover any crimes, all I want to know is who the founder is and what kind of history the company has.

This would be perfect information for the “About Us” section on the main website but who am I to tell a multi-million dollar company how to operate.

Well, after some more digging I finally found some important information that may be a red flag to some readers.

David Harrison founded FCAG after leaving a long standing supplement MLM.

This is something that happens all the time because one of the executives of a company thinks they can start their own company.

The situation with Harrison makes me wonder why he started the business.

More on that later but guys, this MLM is based on selling books and training programs with a tremendous amount reading.

Related: 2captcha Review: Legit Or A Waste Of Time?

Products & Services

BOOK1: Financial Literacy – Understanding Precious Metals Investments

Apparently this book tells you everything you need to know about precious metals. It also has historical facts that influences metal values.

Bonus 1: Financial Literacy – The Essentials

This book includes 4 chapters:
1. Home Based Business
2. Personal Finances
3. Debt Restructuring
4. Retirement Planning

Bonus 2: Financial Literacy – How To Start Your Own MLM Business


Book 1: Binary Options and Strategies Simplified
Book 2: Bitcoin and Crypto: A Guide for the Rest of Us


Book 1: Credit Card Debt
Book 2: Exchange Traded Funds: The Inside Story
Book 3: Economics – The truth behind the spin


Book 1: Multiple Streams of Income
Book 2: Hedge Funds – Why Investors Love Them And Why You Should Too
Book 3: The Insiders Guide to Swing Trading
Book 4: Debt Crisis
Book 5: How to Get Out of Debt and Avoid Getting Ripped Off
Book 6: Binary Options: 5 Valuable Lessons Learned in the Trenches


Book 1: Residential Real Estate – The Essential Guide To Investing In Residential Real Estate
Book 2: Commercial Real Estate – The Essential Guide To Investing In Commercial Real Estate
Book 3: Forex Trading Series – How to Trade Forex With The Big Guys.
Book 4: Forex Trading Series – Forex Trading Simplified
Book 5: Forex Trading Series – How To Trade Forex Like A Seasoned Pro
Book 6: Knowledge is Power: The Dow Theory Revealed
Book 7: Just the Facts About American Depository Receipts (ADRs)
Book 8: Secrets To Getting Traction With Momentum Trading


There are 27 books available in this Level of training.

I will save my comments about these products for my “Don’t Like” section but selling books seems like a popular business in 1916 not 2016. Keep your eyes peeled for more information on this point.

Compensation Plan

Instant Commissions

These are commissions earned when you sell any of the products from levels 1 to 6 and if you are an affiliate that is qualified.

Here is a picture to help you see how it works.


Sponsoring 100% Match Commission

When one of your personally sponsored members receives a commission from a member of their downline, you get paid with a 100% match commission.

Since there is so much to offer in regards to a compensation plan, I decided to only give you a taste of what it offers and you can see that there are 7 ways to get paid.

Like most MLMs there are great ways to get paid but you have to recruit a lot of members.

FCAG is no exception to this rule and to even participate in the compensation you must recruit 4 active members.

This number is ridiculous in my honest opinion and most MLMs only require a small membership fee in order to participate.

Here is the link for the FCAG Compensation Plan.

What I Like About Four Corners Alliance Group

The thing I like the most about FCAG is the fact that you can make a lot of money.

This is a catch 22 though because of one minor detail.

If you got in early with this company and you stuck with it, you are most likely making some serious cash.

However, getting in now is a major risk because the matrix style payment plan is geared for people to get in at the very start and network with similar people.

This isn’t to say that it is impossible to join today and become successful, it just means that you have to have a certain skill set.

You must be an accomplished sales(wo)man, marketer & recruitment beast in order to get things going.

I will get into another reason as to why their books and training program will be difficult to sell.

What I Don’t Like About Four Corners Alliance Group

Take a look at this Los Angeles Times article from last year.

Here is a direct quote from the article: “The study found that overall, 72% of American adults have read a book in the past year, while the percentage for millennials, ages 18 to 29, was higher: 80%.”

Ok, let me get this straight, 72% of American adults read a book in 2015 and you want to try and sell a training program that is completely comprised of books.

The 6th level of training has 27 books which are in pdf form.

I have a feeling that most people will never make it past level one of training because that already goes over the threshold of most Americans.

Look, no one wants to buy super expensive training programs online just to get buried in training.

If I’m paying for this training, I want webinars and visual aids.

To be honest, after looking at the titles of the books, I can go on Amazon or eBay and buy old copies of books for cheaper than this program.

Or I could go get the same or better training on YouTube for absolutely free.

You may not believe me but I am serious.

These training’s are nothing out of the ordinary and I doubt will be able to find enough people to make money at this point.

On a personal level, this is a deal breaker for me because buying printed material is so 1985.

Final Verdict

Ok, here is the deal.

I can honestly say that FCAG is not a scam because it has a product or service and it pays you for your efforts.

With that being said, there are plenty of other training programs that are just as good if not better.

For this reason alone, I’m out…

In fact here is a review of Wealthy Affiliate which you can start for free and check it out before you sign up for the premium package.

I hope that you gained some helpful information about FCAG.

If you have any experience with this company or you want to join the conversation, I encourage you to leave a comment by filling out the form below.

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