Mr. Rebates Review: Legit CashBack Site Or Scam?

Shopping while also earning money? Yes, it is possible with the Mr. Rebates website due to their cash back system.

But does the company really give people their cash back or are they just like any other scam site out there? Read further if you want to find out, but let us first talk about what is the Mr. Rebates website.

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The Mr. Rebates Cash Back Website

Can you make money with Mr Rebates? Click here to learn more.Mr. Rebates is a website that offers cash back rebates to its members who shop online through the website. The company has links to a lot of the popular and favorite stores that people already shop at, like Amazon, Best Buy, eBay and more.

Members will just need to click the link and they will be taken to the website of the store they clicked, do their shopping, and receive their cash back rebates within a few days.

Mr. Rebates also offers deals and coupons that their members can use when they do their purchase at their favorite store. This allows members to save money and earn while they are doing their shopping.

The company has been doing this since 2002 and they are able to do this because of the commission-based affiliate marketing they have with their partner merchants.

The merchants give Mr. Rebates commission whenever a member uses the link from the website and purchase items from the store. The company then shares a portion of that commission to the member who did the purchase.

The company already has thousands of stores available on their website each offering deals and coupons for its members.

Who Uses Mr. Rebates?

There are two groups who use the Mr. Rebates website and one of them are the merchants who make use of the affiliate program to get new traffic coming into their online store and potentially get some new customers as well.

The beauty of their partnership with Mr. Rebates is that the only get to pay the company for marketing them if a member is able to make a qualified purchase.

This means the merchant will earn first before spending, providing them with a great way to spend their advertising budget.

Merchants are also able to track properly the traffic and sales they are getting through the affiliate link This makes it easier to decide on whether they are really benefitting from the partnership or not.

The other group who uses Mr. Rebates are the people who are looking for great deals and coupons to use for their online purchases to save money and also to make money online.

The group of people are basically the members of Mr. Rebates and they would just need to access the online stores they plan to purchase items in through the links found on the website.

The company has an array of different online store links that people already shop in like Walmart, Target, and more.

By clicking on the link found in Mr. Rebates to go to the online stores, they are able to enjoy the different deals the website offers, as well as a cash back rebates from purchases. The rates of rebates differ per store.

To enjoy all of these perks, people would just need to sign up to be a member of Mr. Rebates and just log-in every time they want to shop.

Signing up is easy, as people would just need to input their full name, their email address that they would need to verify, their chosen password, and if the email of the person who referred them if there is any.

People will also have to input their complete address so Mr. Rebates can post mail the checks for the cash back.

How People Earn Money In Mr. Rebates?

The main way to make money in Mr. Rebates is through the cash back rebates system they offer to their members. The rates of cash back differ per store, as some offers as low as 0.5%, while some as high as 20% cash back.

Other stores are offering dollars cash back instead of a percentage, with some offering as low as $1, while others to as high as $100.

Basically, Mr. Rebates are paying people to shop for items they usually buy on their favorite stores online through the affiliate link found on their website.

Merchants pay Mr. Rebates a commission every time someone purchases an item from the merchant through the affiliate link. The website then shares a portion of that commission to the member who made the purchase.

Members would just have to achieve a minimum amount of $10 to cash out their rebates, either via check that the company will send to the address provided during the sign-up or via PayPal.

It is important, though, that people read the terms and conditions of Mr. Rebates to see how the qualifications needed for earning cash back from purchases. The conditions can be found at this link.

One of the important things mentioned there was that it has to be a qualified purchase, meaning the purchase was done through the affiliate link of the merchant.

Another important reminder there is that there are certain cash back restrictions that merchants apply, which means not all items purchased will have cash back.

The restrictions are usually mentioned at the merchant’s landing pages and the company said that it is actually the responsibility of the members to check out the restrictions to see what items are part of the cash back.

After purchase, the rebates won’t instantly appear on the member’s account, as the company still waits for the merchant’s daily report regarding the qualified transactions. It might take a few days before rebates will appear.

Some merchants wait until the item has been shipped to the customer before they put the transaction in their report, so there are times where rebates will take longer to appear.

Aside from earning via rebates, Mr. Rebates also has a referral program. Members who are able to refer new people to join will get a bonus once their new referral makes a purchase through Mr. Rebates.

The bonus is equal to 20% of the original rebate that their referral will be getting. The program is for direct referral only, so members won’t be getting bonuses if their referral is also able to refer new people.

Mr. Rebates has tools that members can use to help them in inviting friends to join the company.

The Good Thing About Mr. Rebates

Mr. Rebates is a great way for people to shop for their favorite items online while also earning some cash for it. Here are some of the things I liked about the website.

  • The website is easy and simple to use, as people would just to have to look for the store they want to buy in, click the link to go to the online store, then just make their purchase. Once the purchase is confirmed, they will earn their cash back rebate.
  • It allows people to maximize the money they can save if they purchase through Mr. Rebates, as there are also great deals and coupons available for some items.
  • The amount required for payout is only $10, making it easy for people, especially frequent online shoppers, to cash out their rebates.
  • There’s no limit to how much rebates members can earn and it goes the same with a referral bonus.
  • And the best thing about Mr. Rebates is that they actually give the cash back and pay their members the money once they cash it out.

The Bad Thing with Mr. Rebates

After discussing the good of Mr. Rebates, it is time to talk about the bad things about the website.

  • Coupons or deals outside Mr. Rebates cannot be used in purchases, as this will negate the cash back rebates the website offers. So people can’t use coupons or deals they find outside for their purchases.
  • It can take up to 90 days before pending rebates are credited into the members’ accounts, which is a long wait just to get the rebates approved.
  • People can’t purchase in bulk as void purchases might void the cash back.
  • Cash back is not guaranteed for international orders, as some merchants have a special policy for people purchasing outside their country of operations.
  • There’s no announcement that a store already ended their affiliate program, so members are usually caught by surprise to find their favorite store no longer appearing on Mr. Rebates.

Is Mr. Rebates a Scam?

Mr. Rebates is not a scam, as the company really delivers on its promise of giving rebates to its members who made purchases through the referral links they have.

As long as all of the requirements outlined in the terms and conditions are met, rebates will be given. So it is important for people to make sure they read it properly.

The company has also been in existence since 2002, so its longevity is already a great sign that the company is not just a fly-by-night website out to scam people.

Do I Recommend Mr. Rebates

If you are someone who does a lot of online shopping and would love to have great deals or coupons for your purchases, then Mr. Rebates is recommended for you.

The website offers a great opportunity for online shoppers like you to get great deals for their purchases, while also earning some money for it. Since you will be shopping for the items anyway, why not do it through Mr. Rebates?

Signing up is easy, you don’t have to pay anything to be a member, plus you also get a chance to earn more through the referral program.

Now, if you are someone looking to really make decent money online that can allow you to quit your job, then Mr. Rebates is not for you.

It can help earn decent money, but it won’t be high enough to be the primary source of income for people. So, Mr. Rebates won’t make you rich, but it is a good way to earn extra money, especially if you love online shopping.

So it is a sight that I will definitely recommend to online shoppers.

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Entrepreneur, Blogger, Affiliate Marketer and webmaster of Stealth Secrets. I have been earning a full-time living as an affiliate marketer since 2004. Want to do the same? Check out what I recommend.

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