Young Living Essential Oil Review: Legit Or Scam?

Young Living Reviews

Company: Young Living Essential Oil
Founder: D. Gary Young

Welcome to my review of Young Living Essential Oil!

I am so glad that you found my review because that means that you are doing some research before you join Young Living.

This is a really important step when it comes to choosing which online business to join.

Believe it or not, the majority of people that join MLMs do not conduct any research and this is linked to the troubling statistic that 95% of all MLMers fail.

Another reason that you will benefit from this review is that I am NOT affiliated with any company I review.

This means that you don’t have to listen to any sales pitches or claims that magical products are going to make you lose weight or cure your ailments.

What I’m trying to tell you is that I provide you with the essential information that will help you make a decision.

My goal is not to sway you one way or the other.

I do these reviews to help people understand what they are getting themselves into.

This is partly due to the fact that I cannot find a MLM that runs a perfect operation.

There are so many issues that can arise when joining these kinds of programs.

I am here to put those rumors to rest and tell you what the companies will not.

I will start off with a quick overview of the company, product list, compensation plan analysis, and finally, a Better Business Bureau (BBB) review complete with comments.

If you have limited time to read this short article, then here’s a brief summary.

Young Living is a legit company, but like most MLM companies they have issues with the products. Unsubstantiated product claims, not easy to cancel auto-shipping processes and difficulty creating a substantial downline, if you’re wanting to make money from it.

So from that perspective I couldn’t in good conscious tell you that it’s a viable business opportunity. Nope, BUT there are legitimate business opportunities available online that are better choices.

You can also check out the step-by-step training that helps me earn over $10,000+ per month working from home.

Young Living Essential Oil Overview – What Is The Company?

If I were to write an overview like an affiliate or member, it would sound a bit like this.

Young Living Essential Oil has been around for over 20 years and has no signs of slowing down.

This means that the company is going strong and has a premier foothold in the industry.

What makes this even more significant is that the vast majority of MLMs don’t even make it to the 5 year mark.

The man behind the curtain is D. Gary Young and he has spent that last 20 some odd years researching and creating the brand so that it stands apart from and competitors.

Young Living has high standards and possible the highest quality products because they refuse to use any synthetic ingredients.

Here is the overview that the company won’t tell you for obvious reasons.

Young Living consists of an MLM program that has made many claims throughout their 20+ year career.

In 2014, some distributors had their websites shutdown by the FDA because they claimed that Young

Living products could kill the Ebola Virus.

Now, as ridiculous as that may seem, the FDA did step in and sent letters to the Young Living Headquarters.

To be perfectly honest, when I read the allegations and then the letters that the FDA sent, I almost started laughing because I have seen so ridiculous claims by distributors, but this takes the cake with ease.

The crazy thing about the letters is that the claims do not stop there.

Here are a few more cure or prevent claims about Young Living: Parkinson’s Disease, Autism, Diabetes, Hypertension, Cancer, Insomnia, Heart Disease, PTSD, Dementia, & MS.

OK, I know that these claims were made by distributors and not the company itself.

As a former Service Member, all I can say is that whoever made these claims should be held accountable to the fullest standard of the law.

Now that you have seen an overview from both sides of the coin, let’s take a look at the products since we already know what Young Living claims they can do.

Young Living Products

Here is a quick list of products.

Includes: What’s New, Essential Specials & Holiday and Seasonal Collection

• Essential Oil Singles
• Essential Oil Blends
• Roll-Ons
• Massage Oils
• Collections
• Diffusers & Tools
• Accessories
• Dietary Essential Oils

Includes: Natural Cleaning, Natural Protection, Diffusers & Tools, Oral Care, Home Purification, Healthy Cooking, Animal Care, Family Health, Accessories, Branded Merchandise & Over.

• Multivitamins
• Antioxidant Support
• Age-Based Nutrition
• Joint & Mobility
• System Solutions
• Liquid Wellness
• Weight Management
• Targeted Support
• Energy & Stamina
• Healthy Snacking

Includes: Anti-Aging, Hair Care, Oral Care, Body Care, life Balance and Kids Care

• Diffusers & Tools
• Accessories
• Books & Literature

There you have it folks.

A massive line of products that cover many different demographics.

Although I do not agree with their claims or marketing approaches, you have to admit that the product line is pretty impressive.

Let’s see if the huge product line translates into enough ways to make money.

The compensation plan is next.

Here are two comments that I will close this section out with, so you can see both sides of the coin.
Young Living Product Reviews


Compensation Plan

Like always, I post the latest PDF Version of the Compensation Plan, which should be read in its entirety.

You should read it because you need to know what you the company offers and what you are getting yourself into.

1. Fast Start Bonus
2. Start Living Bonus
3. Retail Earnings
4. Rising Start Team Bonus Pool
5. Generation Leadership Bonus
6. Uni-Level Commission

There is no doubt that this plan can make money for the right people.

The right people happen to be recruiting beasts. Recruiting is clearly the focus of the company considering there is no way to make enough money purely on retail sales.

So in order to make enough money you are forced to create a massive downline that is hopefully as dedicated as you are.

Good luck with that because for the vast majority of people, you do not fit in that category.

Better Business Bureau (BBB)

First thing first; let’s look at the grade that BBB has given Young Living.

The A+ grade tells us that whenever someone complains about the company, the customer’s issue is dealt with appropriately.

It also tells us that the company has been accredited with BBB since 7/15/2015.

This is good news in a sense because not all MLMs can be accredited due to a number of circumstances.
Next we need to look at the complaint summary and review section.

• 121 Complaints Closed w/ BBB in Last 3 Years
• 40 Closed in Last 12 Months

• 22 Positive Experience
• 2 Neutral Experience
• 12 Negative Experience

Here are a few samples of both good and bad customer experiences to give you an idea of what everyday customers are dealing with on a daily basis.

Young Living Complaint Reviews

There you have it, some people think the company is great and some have had horrible experiences.

I will finish this section of the review by saying that for every positive comment about Young Living, I have found 10 negative experiences.

This is purely my observation and you should take it at face value.

Things I Don’t Like About Young Living

I usually make a list of problems that I see for unsuspecting people joining the company.

This time however, I will be posting a comment made by a customer because it really sums up the biggest problem I have with MLM, specifically “snake oil” companies like Young Living.
As you can see, recruiting, bad customer service and a pseudo science based backing is the least of their worries.

You have consultants that are questioning your product and the legitimacy of the product.

These kinds of questions are not often raised by entry level members.

You would have to have a lot of experience in the industry to know that these questions are concerning and particle.

I would love to hear a response by an affiliate or a member of leader ship because these are alarming accusations and sound pretty good to me.

The last thing I would like to mention is that I could not find a 2015 Income Disclosure Statement.

This would provide damning evidence that MLMs, no matter what niche, are only good for the best of the best.

The Final Verdict

Ok, here is the deal.

I came down really hard on this company because I cannot stand the claims and moral deficiencies that health and wellness niche MLMs have.

They are nothing but snake oil door to door sales(wo)men and I think the world would be better off without them.

With that being said, government agencies have weak regulations on them so they are not legally considered scams.

This goes for Young Living because they have been around for so long.

With that being said, their products are a sham because they have some positive results but no science can back up their ridiculous claims.

To be honest, MLM is the only form of business they can survive in because no credible science has been conducted on these products.

The only recommendation I can give you is that you need to find a company with no string attached or join a training program if you are focusing your attention on an online business opportunity.

Creating your own business is a much more optimal choice that trusting a MLM.

Check out this review for an example of a trusted training program.

I hope this review helped you in some fashion.

If you have any experience with Young Living or would like to ask a question/leave a comment, fill out the form below.

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1 thought on “Young Living Essential Oil Review: Legit Or Scam?”

  1. Really
    I’ve found a lot of government and university studies that show essential oils benefit quite a bit with everything from stress to pms


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